Red Pill Readers: How Do You Handle the Springtime Candy Onslaught?

by Red Pill Mama · 0 comments

in General,Health+Wellness,Nutrition+Food

Valentine’s Day and Easter — other than Halloween, nothing rivals these two springtime holidays for sheer terror in the heart of a sugar-averse Red Pill Parent.  My household is by no means ‘clean’ of the offending substance, but I do try to not get carried along by the prevailing cultural insistence that these two holidays represent an open floodgate of candy coming into your household and your child’s mouths.  And I do try to set a good example and help out my fellow parents by not exacerbating the situation for them.

Red Pill Papa and I have a few creative ideas, but we would LOVE to hear what our fantastic community of creative, trend-bucking RPPs have come up with for both fun non-candy Valentines, as well as Easter traditions that do not exclusively involve strategically hidden egg-enshrouded sugar bombs.

Please email your suggestions and success stories to me at  I’ll publish the compiled Valentines Day ideas late this week (so you have time to work on them over the weekend) and the Easter ideas with, uh, a bit more lead time.

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