From the category archives:


She’s Baaaaaack

Scared you, didn’t I! Popped into your Inbox and you thought, “Who? … What? … Oh yeah!” right? Here’s what’s happened in Red Pill Mama’s world since my last communique. Not much, really: Moved. About 3,000 miles away from my Atlanta suburb to Alameda, an island across the bay from San Francisco. No big deal. [...]

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Hello … and Half?! Really and Truly HALF?!

Hi, it’s me!  Yes, it’s been forever.  Red Pill Mama moved back to San Francisco, went back to working full time, you know, nothing big really … Anyway, no time for my usual pontifications, but I had to share this article reporting the fact that The world wastes half its food. HALF. What can you [...]

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More on Consuming Kids

I wrote a while ago about the Nag Factor chapter from Consuming Kids, after my mom watched the documentary The Corporation and passed along some choice, yet disturbing, factoids. I wanted to take you back to the very beginning of Consuming Kids: as I’ve said before, it’s the book that I consider to be the [...]

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More Talkin’ About Walkin’

Alas, school has ended for us here, so my morning walks to school with Lily are no more — for the moment.  Though we did venture out one humid, sweaty morning to take a loop around the neighborhood, somehow it just wasn’t the same: it was not a lovely cool morning, we weren’t walking at [...]

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The Best Onion Article EVER!

From The Onion: “Budget Mix-Up Provides Nation’s Schools With Enough Money To Properly Educate Students” WASHINGTON—According to bewildered and contrite legislators, a major budgetary mix-up this week inadvertently provided the nation’s public schools with enough funding and resources to properly educate students. Sources in the Congressional Budget Office reported that as a result of a [...]

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WALK to School? Seriously?

While I’ve historically busted on my kids’ public elementary school for being in the dark ages about such things as soda, recycling and advertising to kids, the school recently did something that was very much on the ball — and very Red Pill, actually. As part of the Georgia Safe Routes to School program, we [...]

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Yes, Virginia, Meat Really Does Come from Dead Animals

Wow, have you been watching Steven Rinella’s “The Wild Within” on Travel Channel?  We’ve watched two episodes with the kids, and the scene from the Hawaii episode, where he kills the wild boar, is quite possibly one of the most intense things I’ve ever seen on television.  I’m so impressed with the way they film [...]

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Understanding The Nag Factor: Are You an “Indulger” or a “Conflicted” Parent?

My mom recently watched a documentary entitled “The Corporation” and sent me a few choice factoids from the film to share with all of you: Marketers play to the developmental levels of a child in their marketing strategies They hire child psychologists to devise ways to sell They spend $12 billion a year on research [...]

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Happy – um – New Year!

“Um” ’cause it’s a little late, but I’m counting on the fact that there’s truth in the phrase “better late than never.”  And if you also had a week of snow days with your kids home last week, spending the day playing Yahtzee in your pajamas, then you understand one of the reasons for my [...]

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The Holidays are Here – Can You REMAIN CONSCIOUS?

As if the holidays weren’t overwhelming already, here’s the Red Pill Challenge: REMAIN CONSCIOUS.  This is no small task either, but if you can keep your wits about you and not let the holiday machine go into auto-pilot, you could make the season so much more joyous – what it’s meant to be anyway, right? [...]

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