From the category archives:


Hello … and Half?! Really and Truly HALF?!

Hi, it’s me!  Yes, it’s been forever.  Red Pill Mama moved back to San Francisco, went back to working full time, you know, nothing big really … Anyway, no time for my usual pontifications, but I had to share this article reporting the fact that The world wastes half its food. HALF. What can you [...]

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Yes, Virginia, Meat Really Does Come from Dead Animals

Wow, have you been watching Steven Rinella’s “The Wild Within” on Travel Channel?  We’ve watched two episodes with the kids, and the scene from the Hawaii episode, where he kills the wild boar, is quite possibly one of the most intense things I’ve ever seen on television.  I’m so impressed with the way they film [...]

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Be Wary of Greenwashing

Those of us who are diligently trying to make lifestyle and consumer choices that have a more positive impact on the environment and its inhabitants are, of course, always on the lookout for products that help us accomplish this goal.  But advertising is advertising, and the ad agencies that design campaigns to convince us that [...]

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School’s back in — and so are we! Now where’s our candy reward?

Whew!  Man, that felt like a long time: it’s good to be back!   Without regaling you with the details of the Red Pill Family Travels this summer (I’ll only tell you that we got together with Red Pill Papa in New York, which was FANTASTIC!), let me get right down to business: school’s back [...]

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The Red Pill Summer Reading & Watching List

Red Pill Papa and I are getting ready to hang the “Gone Fishin’” sign, as school ends, our extensive summer travel begins (including an in-person Red Pill Confab in New York!) and based on the last three weeks, our realization that keeping our regular posting schedule over the summer is not — ahem — realistic. [...]

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Looking Beyond Ritalin: Pesticides & ADHD

My hubby sent me this link yesterday with the question: “Blog-worthy?” My answer: “Um, duh.” Here it is: Pesticides on Produce Tied to ADHD (courtesy of HealthDay via Yahoo News). I highly recommend reading the full article to understand the association between pesticides and ADHD: the study cited does not show that pesticides cause ADHD, [...]

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Bottled Water and the Damage Done

Clean drinking water seems to be one of the inalienable rights not mentioned in the US Constitution.  All we have to do is turn on the tap, fill a glass and drink it, and we have the peace of mind of knowing that the water carries a seal of approval from the Environmental Protection Agency.  [...]

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My Big Beef with King Corn: Kernels, CAFOs and Coercion

The Red Pill Parents have been on a documentary kick lately and we are grateful that there are so many documentarians who are now shining a light on the food that most Americans eat, the means of production of these agricultural products, and the resulting effects on us and our environment.  As Red Pill Parents, [...]

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Food, Inc.: 4 Quotes, 4 Steps, 3 Boycotts, 1 Promise

I’ve now watched Food, Inc. And I’m sorry I was so flip about it when I posted on Monday.  Overall, right now, I can only characterize the way I feel as weird.  I feel weird.  Creepy and weird.  Yet at the same time, I also feel grateful, galvanized and newly motivated.  Grateful that despite what [...]

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Food, Inc. – Watch it Free Through Thursday

So after all that heavy reading last week, you’ll be happy to know that this post is devoted entirely to getting you to go watch TV. My sister (who shall henceforth be officially known as the RPP Research Department), sent me yet another great tip last week, this one via the Arlington Montessori Action Committee [...]

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