Posts by author:

Red Pill Mama

Red Pill Mama Has a New Home!

Join me at my new home on Medium for RPM 2.0!  Because, you know, that’s where all the cool kids are these days.  And because WordPress continues to defy me.  Here’s the link:

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She’s Baaaaaack

Scared you, didn’t I! Popped into your Inbox and you thought, “Who? … What? … Oh yeah!” right? Here’s what’s happened in Red Pill Mama’s world since my last communique. Not much, really: Moved. About 3,000 miles away from my Atlanta suburb to Alameda, an island across the bay from San Francisco. No big deal. [...]

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Hello … and Half?! Really and Truly HALF?!

Hi, it’s me!  Yes, it’s been forever.  Red Pill Mama moved back to San Francisco, went back to working full time, you know, nothing big really … Anyway, no time for my usual pontifications, but I had to share this article reporting the fact that The world wastes half its food. HALF. What can you [...]

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More on Consuming Kids

I wrote a while ago about the Nag Factor chapter from Consuming Kids, after my mom watched the documentary The Corporation and passed along some choice, yet disturbing, factoids. I wanted to take you back to the very beginning of Consuming Kids: as I’ve said before, it’s the book that I consider to be the [...]

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More Talkin’ About Walkin’

Alas, school has ended for us here, so my morning walks to school with Lily are no more — for the moment.  Though we did venture out one humid, sweaty morning to take a loop around the neighborhood, somehow it just wasn’t the same: it was not a lovely cool morning, we weren’t walking at [...]

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The Best Onion Article EVER!

From The Onion: “Budget Mix-Up Provides Nation’s Schools With Enough Money To Properly Educate Students” WASHINGTON—According to bewildered and contrite legislators, a major budgetary mix-up this week inadvertently provided the nation’s public schools with enough funding and resources to properly educate students. Sources in the Congressional Budget Office reported that as a result of a [...]

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WALK to School? Seriously?

While I’ve historically busted on my kids’ public elementary school for being in the dark ages about such things as soda, recycling and advertising to kids, the school recently did something that was very much on the ball — and very Red Pill, actually. As part of the Georgia Safe Routes to School program, we [...]

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Let’s Make Our 8-Year-Olds Sexy!

It’s simply beyond me — the preschool beauty pageants, 7-year-old cheerleaders in perfect pedophile-friendly attire (and makeup), bralettes for grade schoolers, thongs for 1o-year-olds and push-up bikinis for kindergartners.  In a great CNN article by LZ Granderson, he says “What adult who wants a daughter to grow up with high self-esteem would even consider purchasing [...]

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Rethinking the Simplest Things

We are creatures of habit, no doubt.  It could also be said that we in the U.S. are creatures of comfort and creatures of culture.  We do what we do, in many cases, because it’s always been done, it’s easier that way, and everybody’s doing it.  But I believe that so much of what we [...]

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Letting Our Kids Enjoy the Silence

On the recent and lovely occasion of my yearly mammogram, I found that my radiology office’s waiting room had, since my last visit, been upgraded to include a blaring TV set.  I walked in, and along with a mom and her 8-year-old daughter, was treated to a war movie, of all things – angry, aggressive, [...]

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