Easter’s in Two Weeks: Are you ‘Red Pill’ Ready?

by Red Pill Mama · 6 comments

in Nutrition+Food

Well I’m certainly not.  But that’s because I have yet to come up with my yearly no-candy plan for what to put in those pretty little baskets, and what to put in those infernal plastic eggs that never seem to want to close without ugly Scotch tape.  But that’s where you come in: as you may recall from just before Valentine’s Day, I sent out a call to our Red Pill Army for your creative suggestions on how to deal with these candy-fraught holidays in a decidedly more creative, less status-quo manner (i.e., with significantly reduced amounts of sugar).  While the tight deadline proved too daunting for us all to produce a Martha Stewart-worthy list of crafty, candy-free alternatives, I’m hoping that since I planted that seed with you back in February, that perhaps you’ve had a bit of time to ruminate over a Red Pill-worthy plan for Easter-time.  There are a couple of ideas that I — I mean the Easter Bunny — have used in the past, which I will definitely share, but I’m hoping to add some Red Pill Reader fare to that menu as well.  So won’t you send your tried-and-true (or even half-baked) ideas (by this Friday, the 26th please) to redpillmama@gmail.com?

Because it doesn’t HAVE to be all about candy — and do any of us really want it to be?

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Diane March 23, 2010 at 8:59 am

Coins in the plastic eggs. (Now, with teens we put quarters or bills.)

Lynn March 23, 2010 at 10:18 pm

In past years, Elizabeth has found a coloring book, bunny socks, a Spring themed mug, sidewalk chalk, and a stuffed lamb in her basket. One year, it was butterfly stickers and a My Little Pony dressed in bunny ears.

Additionally, we always include a sweet treat; a foil wrapped chocolate bunny or Pez dispenser or Cadbury chocolate eggs (Mommy waits all year for those!). To me, it wouldn’t be an Easter basket without some sugar; moderation is the key.

I like the idea of coins!

Michelle March 25, 2010 at 2:52 pm

I like to use this gifting opportunity to replenish art supplies for the kids. The Easter Bunny is very creative you know! (But I still do chocolate…)
Also, since we are not Christians, we have an annual ritual at Easter time of giving gifts to nature. The kids and I collect scraps that the birds can use in nest building and put them out in the yard for them to find. It is a lot of fun watching to see what is taken each day, and while we are out in the yard we take a look at nature to see what is springing up and looking for bunny tracks in the mud. :)

Anastasia March 25, 2010 at 8:20 pm

I know you said to email… but here I am. :)

My daughter is 15 months. So she’s getting a couple of stuffed animals.

For my son, I was able to find some really sweet, inexpensive trinkets and small toys. We got sticker filled eggs, a bubble filled sword, a white cloth bunny with markers, a mini “Rabbit Express” train set, and a couple of plushy balls to throw around. We gave him one piece of foil covered chocolate.

My husband is working hard on an Easter egg hunt here at home. We’re going to use stickers, quarters, and other trinkets we think he’ll enjoy.

Cindy Long March 26, 2010 at 8:22 am

For my 6 and 8 yr old boys, the Easter Bunny fills baskets full of books, seeds, kid’s gardening gloves and little hand tools. It’s Spring, after all and they love to grow things:) Of course she sneaks a few peeps in there as well. Moderation in all things is key!

Christine March 27, 2010 at 10:11 am

Our Easter bunny leaves flower seeds for our girls’ sister gardens. This year I just read of an idea about putting puzzle pieces in the eggs, then the kids can put the puzzle together.

I LOVE the idea of giving back to nature, I’ll incorporate that as well.

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