From the category archives:


Jamie, Dawg, Nancy and You

It’s funny how related things often end up in my lap at the same time, and the message I get from them is somehow greater than the sum of the parts.  This weekend, we finally watched the preview episode of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, and then I picked up the latest issue of The Week

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Peep! Red Pill Readers Respond

We got a great response to our candy-free Easter alternative call for ideas.  Without further verbose ado, I will henceforth share some ideas with you that will help you make the basket-and-egg part of the holiday less of a mad clamor for sugary treats and more about welcoming Spring. (I will add one brief bit [...]

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School Lunches: I Can Dream, Can’t I?

Funny: just the day after my sister sent me an article from Time about a writer whose son attends preschool in Paris, from which I got a glimpse into what could possibly be the shangri-la of school lunch situations, I happened to stop in my own kids’ public school cafeteria to sit with my son [...]

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Easter’s in Two Weeks: Are you ‘Red Pill’ Ready?

Well I’m certainly not.  But that’s because I have yet to come up with my yearly no-candy plan for what to put in those pretty little baskets, and what to put in those infernal plastic eggs that never seem to want to close without ugly Scotch tape.  But that’s where you come in: as you [...]

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Mama Obama Scolds The Grocery Manufacturers of America — Will They Shape Up?

It’s a sunny day here in Red Pill Ville, not just because it’s gorgeous outside, but because the First Lady, Michelle Obama, has spoken directly and forcefully to the world’s largest food producers, without sugar-coating her words: “I’m here today to urge all of you to move faster and to go farther, because the truth [...]

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“Clean Your Plate” and Other Time-Honored Admonitions to Avoid at the Table

I received a great printout from the AAP (The American Academy of Pediatrics) at my pediatrician’s office, entitled “Feeding Kids Right Isn’t Always Easy: Tips for Preventing Food Hassles.”  Aside from laying out six common childhood eating challenges (“Food Jags,” “Food Strikes,” etc.) and ways to deal with them, the printout contains some information that [...]

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New Study Links Commercials in TV (Not Watching TV) to Obesity

This week in Red Pillville, obesity seems to be the featured topic. So when I was perusing articles that I had bookmarked for later reading on Instapaper, the piece entitled, “Commercials Are the Culprit in TV-Obesity Link,” by Tara Parker-Pope on the New York Times Blog caught my attention (you can read the article by [...]

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Will a Big Gulp Tax Make a Dent in Childhood Obesity?

Have you ever thought to compare the current obesity crisis — with soda taking center stage — to the fight against Big Tobacco? Well that is how the author of the following New York  Times article is framing it. Read ”Soda – A Sin We Sip Instead of Smoke” here: Taxing soda could be a good [...]

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The ‘Why’ and ‘Which’ of Organic Produce

This really should be Red Pill Papa’s post since he’s the ‘food guy’ — and he certainly gets credit for introducing us to Amy Nelms of, who was generous enough to share the great information on which this post is based — but credit given, we’d now like to share with you the best summary [...]

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Making the Food/Mood Connection: For Our Kids and Ourselves

This conversation started here after my unsuccessful attempt to get our esteemed readers to submit some candy-free Valentine ideas (see, that post was good for something).  If you read that post and the comments, you’ll see that one of our readers has already been making the food/mood connection, understanding that sugar and refined carbs are [...]

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