From the category archives:


Bottled Water and the Damage Done

Clean drinking water seems to be one of the inalienable rights not mentioned in the US Constitution.  All we have to do is turn on the tap, fill a glass and drink it, and we have the peace of mind of knowing that the water carries a seal of approval from the Environmental Protection Agency.  [...]

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My Big Beef with King Corn: Kernels, CAFOs and Coercion

The Red Pill Parents have been on a documentary kick lately and we are grateful that there are so many documentarians who are now shining a light on the food that most Americans eat, the means of production of these agricultural products, and the resulting effects on us and our environment.  As Red Pill Parents, [...]

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Is ‘Truthiness’ Part of Your Family’s Vocabulary?

Doug Dennis and the Flyaway Fib is a new children’s book by author and illustrator Darren Farrell. I had the good fortune of meeting Darren recently at a local cafe in NYC, where I have met many interesting people who have become instant supporters of Red Pill Parents, and who in many ways already embody, [...]

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Our Very Busy Teens: Or, Has the World Gone Mad?

Once again, I’m following the rule of threes: first, I read an article about a 16-year-old girl in Chicago who is facing surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome, after sending up to 4,000 text messages a month on her phone.  The tip-off that something was amiss?  She started losing feeling in her hands!  She now wears [...]

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Food, Inc.: 4 Quotes, 4 Steps, 3 Boycotts, 1 Promise

I’ve now watched Food, Inc. And I’m sorry I was so flip about it when I posted on Monday.  Overall, right now, I can only characterize the way I feel as weird.  I feel weird.  Creepy and weird.  Yet at the same time, I also feel grateful, galvanized and newly motivated.  Grateful that despite what [...]

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Food, Inc. – Watch it Free Through Thursday

So after all that heavy reading last week, you’ll be happy to know that this post is devoted entirely to getting you to go watch TV. My sister (who shall henceforth be officially known as the RPP Research Department), sent me yet another great tip last week, this one via the Arlington Montessori Action Committee [...]

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Jamie, Dawg, Nancy and You

It’s funny how related things often end up in my lap at the same time, and the message I get from them is somehow greater than the sum of the parts.  This weekend, we finally watched the preview episode of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, and then I picked up the latest issue of The Week

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School Lunches: I Can Dream, Can’t I?

Funny: just the day after my sister sent me an article from Time about a writer whose son attends preschool in Paris, from which I got a glimpse into what could possibly be the shangri-la of school lunch situations, I happened to stop in my own kids’ public school cafeteria to sit with my son [...]

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Mama Obama Scolds The Grocery Manufacturers of America — Will They Shape Up?

It’s a sunny day here in Red Pill Ville, not just because it’s gorgeous outside, but because the First Lady, Michelle Obama, has spoken directly and forcefully to the world’s largest food producers, without sugar-coating her words: “I’m here today to urge all of you to move faster and to go farther, because the truth [...]

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A Suburban Mom Walks the Walk — Literally

Red Pill Parents, please welcome Out of the Blue, our first Red Pill Contributor.  Look for a follow-up to her story, as well as others in the future.  Enjoy … RPM & RPP * * * Isn’t it funny that we accept the fact that even though taking a walk is so natural, the idea [...]

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